- New Employee Form -

~ All fields and check-boxes are mandatory if not advised otherwise. ~

Employer Details:

Employer name: *
Employer ABN: *


Employee Details:


First name: *
Middle name:
Last name: *
Date of birth: *
Address: Unit/street number & street name: *
Suburb, post code & state: *
Mobile number: *
Email address: *


Emergency Contact Details:


Next of kin's name:
Next of kin's contact number:
Next of kin's e-mail address:


Employee's Bank Details for Salary/Wage/Commission Payments:

Account name: *
BSB: *
Account number: *


Employee's Tax and Payroll Details:

Tax file number (TFN): (Make sure your TFN is correct. By law your employer is required to withhold tax at a higher marginal tax rate from your pay, if you don't provide your correct TFN to your employer within 28 days.)

TFN: *
TFN declaration date: *

You must complete all questions of Section A of the TFN declaration form and submit the completed and signed copy to your employer and your employer must complete Section B and submit the signed copy of it to the ATO before you can be paid by your employer. Get a fillable online copy here. If you need further clarification on this or other tax affairs, you may consult with us. Over-the-phone or in-person consultation are available with iqCron Accounting for fees starting from as low as $44 per 30 minutes block. "Don't beat about the bush from the start... Learn what is right thing to do from iqCron Accounting about your tax obligations before it's too late!" Book-in an appointment here.

Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes? (Your tax-residency is different from your permanent residency or citizenship. If you need help on this, book in here for a consultation with iqCron Accounting.)


If you are on a visa, are you restricted to a weekly maximum working hours by your visa condition in Australia? If yes, maximum how many hours are you allowed to work per week? It is a criminal offence to knowingly or recklessly allow someone to work, or to refer someone for work, where that person is from overseas and is either in Australia illegally or is working in breach of their visa conditions. Get your VEVO check done here and provide a full copy of your VEVO check result to your employer.

Maximum weekly hours allowed to work:
Additional information:


Employee Superannuation Fund Choice Details: Fill in online, print and sign your superannuation standard choice form here or provide us with your chosen fund details below:

Fund name: *
Account/product name: *
Membership number: *
Fund ABN: *
Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) *
Fund Contact Details / Telephone Number *


Employment Details: (Consult with your employer and make sure you got these details right before you start your employment.)

Position or job title: *
Employment start date: *

Tenure: (It is highly recommended that you have a written agreement between you and your employer, clearly stating all terms and conditions and on what basis you will be paid by your employer.)

If you are a contractor, what is your ABN?:


Work days per week + hours per day:
Hourly pay rate (inc. tax & exc. SGC):
Yearly salary:
Modern award & classification:
Allowances or Deductions:


Employee's Declaration:

I confirm and declare that the information provided in this form is true and correct, and I have necessary evidence to support this; and I am authorised to make this declaration.


I authorise iqCron Accounting to search for my existing (stapled) superannuation funds details using the ATO service and match or use my existing superannuation fund details to or as my chosen superannuation fund where applicable to receive the superannuation guarantee contribution (SGC) from my employer. If no existing (stapled) superannuation fund details is found or the chosen superannuation fund details are not provided by me in this form or in the superannuation standard choice form, I agree to use my employer's default superannuation fund to receive my SGC. Please note, in some circumstances, SGC may not be payable by your employer if you are a contractor.


I have read and; agree to the basic terms of this form, terms and conditions and privacy policy of iqCron Accounting where applicable.


I authorise iqCron Accounting to act on my behalf as my registered tax agent. (This is optional, however, this will make the recruitment process easier and you will be added as a client of iqCron Accounting; which will make your consultation process with us easier in future. Your existing tax agent (if any) will be replaced with iqCron Accounting as your new tax agent.)



Date of Declaration: *



Disclaimer: The contents of this form are confidential and may be protected by copyright and/or legal privilege. Any unauthorised use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of the information contained in this form is prohibited. Anyone intending to apply the information (if any) contained in this form to their practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.