Consent and Declaration for Cancellation of Tax Registration (CDCTR)
(Fill out this CDCTR form to allow us to cancel the registration of your ABN, GST and/or ACN)
Applicant's or signatory's details:
Business details:
Which tax registration/s do you want to cancel? (tick all that apply)
Reason/s for cancellation: (tick all that apply)
Consent and Declaration:
I consent and declare that:
- I am authorised to make this CDCTR application on behalf of the entity whose ABN appears in this form,
- the information given in this form is true and correct,
- I understand that: - where applicable I must still meet my and/or the entity's tax and superannuation lodgment, reporting and payment obligations, - where applicable cancelling the GST registration will automatically cancel my or the entity's fuel tax credit, luxury car tax (LCT) and wine equalisation tax (WET) registrations, - where applicable I must keep lodging activity statements if I am registered for pay as you go (PAYG) withholding, have entered into PAYG instalments, and/or
have fringe benefits tax (FBT) obligations,
- iqCron Accounting can act on my and/or the entity's behalf to cancel the selected tax registration/s in this form as soon as applicable; and
- I agree to the iqCron Accounting's Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy where applicable.