- Business Income and Expense Declaration -

(Fill out this form without our assistance to be considered for our discounted $220 to $330 fee (retail fee starts from $440) for your sole-trade non-GST registered business tax return - Ts&Cs apply)

Taxpayer's Details:

Business, entity or your full name: *
Australian business number (ABN): *
Email address: *
Financial year (FY): *


👉 First of all, please complete the PSI/PSB test by visiting the ATO website here; and, attach a clear screenshot of the result page with this form. If the result is not conclusive, most likely your ABN activities are not considered business activities for the applicable financial year/s. We need to determine this first during our appointment time.


Were you or your business registered for GST during the above financial year?



👉 Where applicable, income and expenses amounts below should be excluding GST if you were GST-registered for that FY. Otherwise, full or GST-inclusive amounts should be entered. You may mention in the notes section at the end whether the amounts are including GST or not. Under the same ABN, if you ran more than one business activity that relates to a different business industry, you need to fill in this form separately again for that different business activity. (When needed to view the full instructions in the fields below rotate your mobile device to landscape screen.)



Business Income:

Name or type of business activity and industry: *
Gross income: *
Gross interest income:
Govt. or industry grant income:
Business related insurance payout income:
Other business income:


Business Exepenses:

(Only work or business related usage amounts should be entered.)

Business start-up expenses:
Opening stock:
Purchases and other direct costs:
Closing stock:


Contractor, sub-contractor and commission expenses:
Wages expense:
Superannuation expense:
Bad debt expense:
Lease expense:
Rent expense:
Interest expense within Australia:
Depreciation expense:
Accounting/bookkeeping fees:
Business PL/PI insurance:
WorkCover insurance:
Tools of trade expense (each < $300):
Repairs and maintenance expense:
Printing, stationaries and supplies:
Subscription fees:
Home office running expenses:
Home office occupancy expenses:


Motor vehicle expenses:

Car registration number:
Car make and model:
Car depreciation:
Actual total car expense or Log-book method amount:
Or, Cents-per KM method amount:
Or, Business KM travelled:


All other non-capital expenses:


Capital expenses (each >$300):

New office or work furniture:
New work vehicle/car:
New mobile/laptop/pc:
New tools and machineries:
New plants and equipment:


Deferred non-commercial losses from prior year/s:




Taxpayer's Declaration:


Date of Declaration: *
Attachment: (if any; if the file size is greater than 2MB, email it to us at admin@iqcron.com.au instead.)

Max file size (Mb): 2

Max number of files: 1


Disclaimer: The contents of this form are confidential and may be protected by copyright and/or legal privilege. Any unauthorised use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of the information contained in this form is prohibited. This is NOT the actual Tax Return form for lodgement to the ATO. This form is used by us for the purpose of collecting your or entity’s required information for our consideration only. Anyone intending to apply the information (if any) contained in this form to their practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.