- Business Activity Statement (BAS) -

~ Fill out this form without our assistance to be considered for our discounted $88 to $110 fee for BAS lodgment only - (retail fee starts from $418 - preparation and lodgment) per quarter (QTR) for your BAS/GST return - Ts&Cs apply ~

Taxpayer's Details:

Business, entity or your full name: *
Australian business number (ABN): *
Email address: *
Financial year (FY): *
Relevant period for BAS/PAYGW/PAYGI: *


👉 If your business was GST registered on Cash Basis, only the total of GST suppllies amount received or expensed for a relevant QTR/FY should be entered (i.e exclude the receivable and payable amounts). If it's registered on Accrual Basis, the total of all GST-supplies amount invoiced and billed for a relevant QTR/FY should be entered (i.e include the receivable and payable amounts). Leave non-applicable fields blank or enter "0". (Hints: The most common used fields below are G1, G10, G11, W1, W2 and T7 where applicable if you do the simpler BAS option.)


Goods and services tax (GST):


Sales (G1-G9):

G1 - Total sales (including any GST):
G2 - Export sales:
G3 - Other GST-free sales:
G4 - Input taxed sales:
G5 - Sub-total (G2+G3+G4):
G6 - Total sales subject to GST (G1-G5):
G7 - Adjustments:
G8 - Total sales subject to GST after adjustments (G6 + G7):
G9 - GST on Sales (Divide G8 by 11):


Purchases (G10-G20):

G10 - Capital Purchase (including any GST):
G11 - Non-Capital Purchase (including any GST):
G12 - Subtotal (G10+G11):
G13 - Purchases for making input-taxed sales:
G14 - Purchases without GST in the price:
G15 – Estimated purchases for private use or not income tax deductible:
G16 - Sub-total (G13+G14+G15):
G17 - Total of purchases subject to GST (G12 - G16):
G18 - Adjustments:
G19 - Total of purchases subject to GST after adjustment (G17+G18)
G20 – GST on Purchases (Devide G19 by 11):


PAYG Withholding from employees (PAYGW): (Skip if you were not an employer.)

W1 - Total salary, wages and other payments:
W2 - Amount withheld from payments shown at W1:
W4 - Amount withheld where no ABN is quoted:
W3 - Other amounts withheld (excluding any amount shown at W2 or W4):


PAYG Instalment for income tax (PAYGI): (If unsure, you may skip this section.)

PAYGI options:
T7 - Instalment amount

OR If varying T7 amount, complete T8, T9, T4 below:

T8 - Estimated tax for the year:
T9 - Varied amount payable for the quarter:
T4 - Reason code for variation:


Taxpayer's Declaration:


Date of Declaration: *


Notes (if any):

Disclaimer: The contents of this form are confidential and may be protected by copyright and/or legal privilege. Any unauthorised use, reproduction, disclosure or distribution of the information contained in this form is prohibited. This is NOT the actual BAS form for lodgement to the ATO. This form is used by us for the purpose of collecting your or entity’s required information for our consideration only. Anyone intending to apply the information (if any) contained in this form to their practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.